Femmenssence Macalife & Macapause
As your body ages its diminishing function, which includes slowing metabolism and reduced hormone production. This results in increase risk of heart disease, bone loss, low energy, mood/memory issues and in some women hot flashes, night sweats, low libido as well as many other health issues your body was able to correct when you were younger. Unlike most products which address one symptom or one aspect of a health condition, Femmenessence supports foundation health, turning back your biological clock, improving your body’s overall function and addresses the root cause of health conditions – loss of hormone and neurotransmitter balance and declining metabolism.

For that reason Femmenessence Macalife® is a product most women should take throughout peri menopause and then transition to Femmenessence MacaPause® once post menopausal to support the body every day. Peri menopause is the term used to describe the menopause transition years. In medical terms, peri menopause is technically defined as the time from which menses start to become irregular and FSH levels have increased until 12 months after the last menstrual bleed. In layman’s terms, if you are having menopausal symptoms but still menstruating or have had a cycle within the last 12 months you are peri menopausal. In the United States this is on average, women in their mid forties to early fifties.

Standard Dose: 2 capsules, twice daily, away from meals • First dose in the AM before breakfast • Second dose in the early PM, ideally 30 minutes before you normally experience an energy low Light Dose: For women who are more sensitive to the higher clinical dosages consider • 1 capsule in the AM, 1 capsule in the early PM Dosing Break: In order to help the body reset itself and optimize benefits, take a one week break after 4 months of use, then take a one week break every 8 weeks or as directed by your healthcare professional. Result Timing: It can take between 2 days and 8 weeks before symptoms improve. Most women experience symptomatic relief within approximately 3 weeks. It can take up to 3-4 months to see improvements in heart and bone health. Maintenance Dose: After 4-8 months of use, if the body has been rebalanced, reduce to half the original dose. Our suggestion is that you always begin this process by consulting your healthcare professional.

Femmenessence MacaHarmony® as the primary supplement for the health of women in addressing regulation of menstrual cycles, PMS, infertility and many other women’s health issues.
Hormone imbalance has now become the primary issue for women of all ages. Poor diet, toxicity, lifestyle and lack of exercise, combined with xenobiotic (foreign) hormones or hormone-mimicking substances in food, cosmetics, plastics and hair care products are responsible for an array of health conditions ranging from PMS symptoms such as fluid retention, acne, bloating
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS, Low energy, mood swings, postpartum, mental health, hair los, irregular menstruation & fertility issues
Standard dose: 1 capsule, twice daily, away from meals • First dose in the AM before breakfast • Second dose in the PM, ideally 30 minutes before you normally experience an energy low Light dose: For women who are more sensitive to higher clinical dosages consider • 1 capsule in the AM Strong dose: For women who have severe conditions 2 capsules, twice daily and consult your healthcare professional for additional support. Maintenance dose: After 4-8 months of use, if the body has been rebalanced, reduce the dose used to half the original dose. Dosing break: In order to help the body reset itself, take 1 week break after 4 months of use, then take 1 week break every 8 weeks or as directed by your healthcare professional. Result Timing: It can take between 1 – 4 cycles to re-balance the system. Our suggestion is that you always begin this process by consulting your healthcare practitioner.

Revolution Macalibrium Hormone imbalance or “andropause” is becoming more and more of an issue for men of all ages. Many conditions we simply assume are a result of getting older, are in fact reversible and due to declining hormone production in your body. Hormones play a primary role in -Young men wanting to improve athletic performance -Businessmen wanting to reduce stress and increase energy -Middle aged men wanting to improve reproductive health and sperm production -Older gentlemen wanting to support cardiovascular, sexual and foundation health Revolution Macalibrium® Support Cardiovascular Health -Support healthy cholesterol and triglyceride within normal limits* -Balance testosterone and cortisol levels* -Support optimal hormone balance* Support Sexual Health* -Support libido* -Support healthy sperm production, count and motility* Support Energy* -Support adrenal function* -Balance blood sugar levels* -Support insulin – glucogen balance within normal limits*
Standard dose: 1 capsule, twice daily, away from meals Strong dose: For men who need stronger support First dose in the AM before breakfast Second dose in the PM, ideally 30 minutes before you normally experience an energy low 2 capsules twice daily Maintenance dose: After 4-8 months of use, if the body has been rebalanced, reduce the dose used to half the original dose. Dosing break: In order to help the body reset itself, take 1 week break after 4 months of use, then take 1 week break every 8 weeks or as directed by your healthcare professional. Result Timing: It can take between 1 – 3 months to rebalance the system